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Monday 17 June 2013

Natural Cure for Wheezing Problem | Home Remedies for Wheezing

Wheezing is referred to as high pitched whistling sound audible without auscultation by stethoscope. Partial obstruction of the bronchi and bronchioles leading to narrowing produces wheeze. Sufficient air must flow through the narrowed airway to produce the wheeze. This can be due to causes within the lumen or in the walls of the bronchi. Pressure out side the bronchi may also be responsible in some cases.
Wheeze is usually associated with lower respiratory tract infection. All wheezes are not due to asthma. Wheeze is most often due to heightened sensitivity of the pulmonary tract.
Infection of the lower respiratory passage may cause bronchial spasm in these individuals. Attack of wheezing is always preceded by a cold or acute respiratory disease. Bronchial asthma- this syndrome is caused due to increase in tracheal and bronchial response to different stimulus leading to acute, chronic or recurrent attacks of wheezing and contraction of bronchi. Airways reactivity is the main factor leading to inflammation of bronchi. Factors like viruses, smoke, pollens, allergens and triggers like exercise, emotions and change of weather determine the attack of asthma. Wheezing is usually associated with breathlessness and is usually accompanied by dry irritant cough which is aggravated especially during night.

Treatment for Wheezing

Wheezing is a serious respiratory symptom which is commonly seen in asthmatic patient and those with lower respiratory disease. Asthma is a serious respiratory disorder. Wheezing occurs usually when there is attack of asthma. Allergens are the common precipitating factors. This is caused because the airways are blocked. Bronchi contain muscles around it (the small passage ways of the lung). During the attack the muscle contract and movement of them is restricted leading to decrease in the vital capacity of the lung making difficult for air to leave the lungs resulting in wheezing.

Preventing Wheezing

  • Avoid flowers, pollens, pets and chemicals. Identify food allergy if any and avoid those foods. Keep house dust free.
  • Factors causing attack to be avoided are- irritants or other allergens (such as chemical, dust mites, drugs, addictives in food, feathers, fumes, pollutants, animal dander, molds, smoke usually of tobacco etc.).

Home Remedies for Wheezing

  • Hot fomentation is usually helpful as it increase the body’s reaction to the irritants and helps expelling them. Parts which should be fomented are chest, back and neck mostly the back part of it. Keeping your feet in hot water is also equally effective.
  • Lobelia is very useful herb for relieving wheeze. It should be made into tea and sipped slowly. It helps relax your nerves leading to stoppage of spasm. If one drinks it more rapidly it may induce vomiting.
  • Mullein oil is effective home remedy for reduction of bronchial contraction and thus relieving spasm leading to wheeze. Function of the oil is to stop cough as it removes the clog of bronchi and bronchial tubules. For consuming mullein oil one can take it with fruit juice or even water. Internal action if more effective.
  • Cayenne is also useful in case the wheezing is caused due to irritants. Cayenne helps desensitize the respiratory system to irritants and is thus helpful in preventing further attacks of wheezing.
  • For removing the congestion and dilate the contracted bronchi garlic clove is very beneficial. One should take 1 garlic clove, add it to honey (one teaspoon) and take two times daily till symptoms subside.
  • Formula for reduction of wheezing- 1/2 teaspoon of asafetida, camphor (pinch of it) and half 1/4th glass of sesame oil. They are mixed thoroughly and stored in dark glass bottle. This preparation should be applied two times daily on chest and back. This helps relieve wheeze and contraction of the muscle.
  • Equal quantity of camphor and asafetida are mixed well and pills of pea size are made and 1-2 pills taken with some hot water, 3-4 times daily.
  • Long pepper, Gooseberry and dry ginger powder all three should be taken equal in quantity in crushed form. Make them into paste. This preparation should be mixed with honey and clarified butter. This is a good preparation for those who have mild form of wheezing.
  • Congestion of the bronchi can be reduced with an effective herb called as mullein oil. Mullein oil causes the bronchi which are clogged to open and helps stop the episode of cough. Fruit juice or water both can be used as vehicle for taking this oil.

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